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Canadian Government To Implement Medical Tyranny

Femacamper (Guest Writer)
Friday, June 26, 2009

I thought we had seen it all when the World Health Organization declared Swine Flu a level 6 pandemic. Apparently it’s just the beginning. In spite of the mounting resistance against forced vaccination, the Canadians have planned to trump that and just start rolling out the vaccines.

The Canadian Press reports “Canada’s chief public health officer says the decision of whether to vaccinate Canadians against swine flu has been all but decided.” They expect to start first trials with Canada’s younger and native populations first.

The whole swine flu pandemic reeks of mishandling, and conspiracy to profiteer over fear-mongering. Ron Paul mentioned how government would use it as an excuse to set up more regulations and spend more money. It could even be used to get the go-ahead for martial law. As has been demonstrated by scientific authorities, army intelligence, political scientists and investigate journalists, the swine flu is a military lab-engineered concoction designed to solidify the framework for what we are now seeing– medical tyranny.

Every free human being is sovereign, and should have the universal right to control over what goes into their bodies and bloodstream. Vaccines have been shown to be deleterious to the health of the individual taking them, and have little or no benefit in preventing oneself from getting the illness they are designed to stave off. In fact, as seen in cases in Nigeria and China it’s quite possible to actually contract the infection from the vaccine itself. Every flu season, numerous outbreaks occur, and each mutation and variation is not effected by the old vaccine. Added to that fact is the reality that mercury, biological contaminants and other pollutants are routinely used as ingredients in vaccines (this grim subject has even been parodied in the Canadian media):

Yet now the Canadian government has determined what’s best for its citizens without consulting them. Ignoring tried and true methods, they’ve embraced the medical industrial complex – big pharma – in a nefarious alliance. Canada is a prime example of a nanny state gone bad. Canadian health care is a socialist system with welfare bums and countless recipients on social assistance for some real, and some very imagined medical problems conjured up by a system that bolsters up hypochondria.

What will be next? If I, a Canadian citizen, refuse my injection, what will they do? Will they force me to take it at gunpoint? Will I be denied my basic human rights? Or perhaps I will be added to a terrorist database for not complying?

I notice the media is already putting spin on this news release the moment it was released. For example, read the editorial comment at the bottom of this article:

“This does NOT, I repeat, this does NOT necessarily mean that vaccinations will be mandatory or forced. Although they might trick you into believing so, but you can always print out the ten points of the Nuremberg Code and make them sign a document in which you state that you do not want to be vaccinated, and if they do vaccinate you, they will be personally liable for any and all consequences; this is, in case you don’t want any vaccines. But if you do want a few jabs, go right ahead.”

So, how does the Canadian government intend to immunize the “entire population” of Canada on a voluntary basis? Certainly, a large percentage of citizens would say no. But in the event of a real (or as in this case, conjured up) pandemic, there would have to be forced vaccinations to implement total immunization. This does not leave the Public Health of Canada in a good light.

This decision by the Canadian federal authorities is outrageous, and needs to be confronted by grass-roots efforts. All citizens in their local municipalities need to confront politicians and attend town hall meetings on the issue of vaccination. Not to forget other controversial issues too, like fluoridation, chlorination, and other approved contaminants in our drinking water.

Certainly the United States and other nations will follow through with similar programs since the WHO has issued its declaration. Canada, stand up for your rights! It’s on your front door that chicken-necked tyrants are roosting, and you need to sweep the porch before these fowl lay their contaminated eggs near other roosts.